Image of Team Gyaw Gyaw


Gyaw Gyaw is teamwork.

We are a small group of good friends working continuously together. Some of us never had the opportunity to go to school, while others are trained teachers or have a master's degree in architecture. We have different responsibilities but complement each other and have the same values for the organization and our projects.

A crucial part of each project is building trust and exchanging knowledge with the teachers and villagers who will use the building. Some work with us during periods of the project and are paid, while others take part in meetings or workshops for larger tasks where more hands are needed. In all cases, value chains are spread as wide as possible, food is shared, costs are covered, and trust is built with the aim of long-term relationships.

We have built our organization according to democratic principles in a strongly hierarchical area. Through respectful local cooperations, our practiced democratic principles are nowadays valued by both local leaders and villagers with whom we work. Thanks to our long-term invested sponsors, we also have funding that supports this way of working, that might be rather different than traditional models of aid-work as well as the private sector.

Gyaw Gyaw at Thai-Burmese border
Unfortunately, this seems to be more the exception than the rule. We often observe short-term committed aid and development projects in our area are that have a clear priority for their own time and what the

sponsors internationally or in their home country have decided, and thus violate local, often unwritten guidelines.

This has negative consequences for those who we were initially supposed to cooperate with.

Since 2009, in addition to carrying out our own projects, we have also spent both time and money cleaning up after countless organizations and individuals who have left half-finished or non-functional projects behind. We wish it were different, but such bad examples have affected both local communities, work and the economy and should therefore be mentioned here as well.

Team Gyaw Gyaw

Image of Paw Eh Wah

Paw Eh Wah

Leader, designer, projectmanager, responsible for economics

Image of Bee Bee

Bee Bee



Cofounder, carpenter, designer

Jae-Young Lee


Line Ramstad

Founder, director, designer

Image of Kee Kee Pah

Kee Kee Pah

Carpenter, designer, project economics

Image of Nee Eh

Nee Eh

Carpenter, designer, photographer,
project economics

Image of Pah Da

Pah Dah


Image of Pah Me

Pah Me

Cofounder, carpenter, expert on details

Image of Phew Reh Mo

Phaw Reh Mo

Teacher, teachertrainer, administration

Image of Saw Dee

Saw Dee

Shopping, driving, translation

See Da Pah

Cofounder, carpenter, overall overview of buildingsite

Our sponsors

In a war-torn area where the monetary economy is only part of the larger economic system, we are dependent on financial support from the outside for our daily operations.
Together with a few long-term committed Norwegian companies, we have created a program-based system with clear agreements and full transparency of work and finances that allow for both predictability and flexibility in our day-to-day operations.
Thanks to them, we can work continuously on local terms, avoid corruption and create long-term results for the local population in our area.

Our board

Gyaw Gyaw is registered as a voluntary organization in Norway where the board is also located.
They have both an advisory and controlling function and support the team in Noh Bo in various matters while ensuring that our work is carried out in accordance with our status and within available budgets.